Recognizing that many sponsors desire to send gifts and shower their student with a little extra love, we also welcome sponsors to send small gifts once a year.
All letters and packages are received by the CGA Student Care Department who ensure each item is appropriate for the child to receive. The Student Care Department reserves the right to remove any item from a package if it’s inappropriate.
Through CGA’s 20+ years of experience with a child sponsorship program, we have designed these specific guidelines we ask all sponsors to follow. All guidelines are in place to: 1) protect our students from becoming dependent on their sponsor, 2) protect our sponsors from being abused by student/family, 3) ensure long-term sustainability for the school and 4) ensure our students don’t receive a large amount of gifts when others do not receive any creating envy or other interpersonal conflict among students or staff.
Guidelines for sending a package :
- Packages should be no larger than a 9x12 padded envelope
- 2-3 small items are sufficient (to much can overwhelm the child)
- Send gifts for only your sponsor child, not all family members.
- Do not send expensive or large items
- Do not include any personal contact information such as email, phone, or home address.
Gift Ideas (remember to be age relevant and culturally appropriate) :
- School supplies (pencils & sharpener, erasers, notebook, etc.)
- Art supplies (stickers, coloring book, crayons, colored pencils, drawing pad, ect.)
- 1 clothing item (t-shirt, athletic shorts, dress, socks, etc.)
- Small photo book (include pics of your family, local landscape, pets, activities, etc.)
- Grade-level reading book
- Devotional or Educational book
- Small toy (jump rope, frisbee, game, etc.)
- Do not include cash
If you have questions about sending a gift, please contact us.
*Note: Christ's Gift Academy strongly requests sponsors and supporters to not send
cash or financial donations with the intention that the funds be given directly to the student. In
times of extenuating circumstances when a child or their family has a
medical emergency or other great need, CGA staff will inform the sponsor
and during those times a special financial contribution can be made to permit the Kenyan staff to meet the needs of the child and the family.